(812) 689-6181 |  Contact Us |  128 North Main Street
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 4:00 (Closed 12:00 - 1:00pm)

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Event Calendar

Visit Versailles in the Spring of the year to view the beautiful blossoms of the more than 350 cherry trees that line the town’s streets.  Spend an afternoon visiting sites on the Bicentennial Walking Tour, which includes beautiful historic homes, the lovely Tyson United Methodist Church, the Ripley County Courthouse, Tyson Library and many more!   https://mainstreetversailles.com/walking-tour.html

Take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful Cliff Hill Cemetery and enjoy the gorgeous views overlooking the Versailles State Park.  Located at the east edge of town, the Versailles State Park boasts a 230-acre lake, 200 Class A campsites and some of the best mountain bike trails around.  Swimming, kayaking, hiking and horseback riding are other favorite activities.  https://www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2963.htm

Or stop by the Tyson Memorial Sports Complex and take in baseball or softball game or take a brisk walk along the 1-mile paved walking trail that surrounds the facility while your children enjoy the playground. There’s lots to do in Versailles and the surrounding area!   https://ripleycountytourism.com


2025 Schedule of Events

February 15         Polar Plunge for Special Olympics at Versailles State Park  11:30 AM - 5:00 PM

March 1 - May 3 Ripley County Park Hop

April 12                Versailles State Park – Ripley County Chamber Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

April 29                Versailles State Park - Art in Nature

June 7                  Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

June 14-22           NMLRA Annual Spring Shoot, Friendship, IN

June 14                Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

June 14                Music on the Square - 7-9 pm

June 21                Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

June 24                Main Street Versailles Back to Square Run 5K Walk / Run on the Courthouse Square

June 28                Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square,  9:00 AM - Noon

June 28                Mammoth March, Versailles State Park 7:00 am

July 5                   Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

July 5                   Versailles State Park – Fireworks  9:30 PM 

July 12                 Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

July 12                Music on the Square - 7-9 pm

July 19               Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

July 22                Versailles State Park - Christmas in July

July 26                Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

August 2             Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square, Kids' Market - 9:00 AM - Noon

August 9           Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

August 9           Music on the Square - 7-9 pm

August 16           Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

August 23           Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

August 30           Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

Sept. 6                Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

Sept. 13               Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

Sept. 13               Music on the Square - 7-9 pm

Sept. 13-22         NMLRA National Fall Shoot, Friendship, IN

Sept. 20              Farmers’ Market on the Courthouse Square - 9:00 AM - Noon

Sept. 24-27         Versailles Pumpkin Show on the Courthouse Square

Sept. 26-28         Versailles State Park – Hassmer Fest

Dec. 6                 Home for the Holidays - 4:00 - 6:00 PM